Keynote Speakers

Natasha Burke - Keynote
EDAC Keynote Speaker Ungar

Plenary Speakers

Amelia Austin_headshot (002)
WendyPreskow_headshot (002)
SierraTurner_headshot photo (002)

Plenary abstract:


This presentation will examine, critique, and challenge traditional conceptualizations of recovery from an eating disorder. Its overarching aim is to expand historical views of recovery using real-world considerations from research and lived experience, while engaging the audience in meaningful conversation. The role of recovery alongside data from real world contexts will be shared by Dr. Amelia Austin, while Sierra Turner and Wendy Preskow will share realities and lessons learned from personal and caregiver lived experience perspectives, respectively. An interactive conversation between presenters and the audience will be led by Dr. Josie Geller, providing attendees the opportunity to reflect upon their own experiences and engage with presenters from both personal and professional perspectives. This session will provide a unique opportunity to discuss some of the challenges of real-world recovery that may not fit into traditional conceptualizations. It is hoped that attendees will leave feeling a new understanding of recovery and foster hope around how to better support patients and clients, with greater attention to patients’ individual needs.